Myofascial Therapy uses techniques to help engage with the fascia (connective tissue) in our bodies.  The fascia provides a gliding surface for other structures, including muscles and joint structures allowing smooth movement and function.  If there is any dysfunction in the fascia, it can thicken causing restriction and limiting function of other structures such as muscles.

A whole body approach is used to correct imbalances in the body which aims to balance upper and lower body to address postural and functional issues.

Usually a full body assessment is carried out and a range of direct and indirect myofascial techniques are used to help regain alignment and function to the body.  Techniques use a lighter touch to engage with the tissue, to limit tissue resistance and encourage the tissue to change.  Trigger points and stretching techniques are also used.

Myofascial Therapy can be done as a stand alone treatment and is beneficial to help correct postural issues and alleviate symptoms of persistent or chronic pain. Specific techniques can be used to help with jaw problems, TMJ disorders (Temporal Mandible Joint).